What we offer

Financing solutions

We provide tailormade and flexible financing to smaller middle market businesses in the Netherlands. Our financing solution replaces bank loans and subordinated loans or minority equity capital with one single facility. As a one-stop-shop we are a business’ sole financing partner.

Independent and

We are an independent and autonomous financing provider, backed in our funding by a diverse mix of highly reputable investors. Our established track record makes us a trusted long-term partner.


We believe that investing is not only data and numbers but revolves around people and our shared future. We therefore operate according to a ‘responsible investment policy’ based on international standards. In addition, our funds comply with the latest requirements under Article 8 of the SFDR. For more information, follow this link

Target businesses

Financing criteria

Typically, our borrowers are headquartered in the Netherlands and have an EBITDA of EUR 2-10 million. We have no specific sector focus and provide loans between EUR 5-30 million based on available cash flows in the target business.

Typical situations

We focus on businesses that seek capital to grow, acquire or buy out existing shareholders. We also replace existing lenders that are no longer willing or able to continue or expand their financing facilities, as well as finance pre-exit situations.

Investment process

Based on initial information, we quickly assess if we are the right partner. We then work with management and shareholders to determine an effective capitalisation. We perform our own analysis, with a view to provide tailor-made financing terms appropriate for the business. With the team and decision making rooted in the Netherlands, our process is swift, pragmatic, and non-bureaucratic.


Our investment team members have on average 20+ years of relevant professional experience supporting middle market corporates, providing over EUR 2 billion of financing in aggregate. The lower middle market captures a significant share of the national economy and international trade success of the Netherlands. We aim to bring our broad investment expertise and know-how to support this segment with innovative capital solutions.

Robert Ian Oei

Jasper Juijn

Tamer Fawaz

Victor Heukensfeldt Jansen

Esmee Augustijn

Meet us

Enterprising Finance B.V.

Mercuriusplein 1

2132 HA Hoofddorp

+31 (0)23 302 0455